Bethany Hedt-Gauthier is a biostatistician specializing in health systems and implementation science research in sub-Saharan Africa. Dr. Hedt-Gauthier is committed to improving partnerships in global health research, by innovating within her own practice and by leading research and advocacy on issues of power dynamics and inequitable research collaborations.

- Associate Professor, Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
- Associate Professor, Biostatistics, Harvard Chan School
- Director of Research, Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, Harvard Medical School
Research Interests

- Health systems strengthening
- Statistical methods for program monitoring and evaluation
- Digital health applications
- Surgical care access and outcomes
- COVID-19 surveillance and response
- Power dynamics and equity in global health research collaborations

Cesarean discharge instructions communication tools.

PIH/Rwanda District Clinical Manager, Laban Bikorimana, visited Boston to disseminate results from the study evaluating strategies to communicate cesarean discharge instructions. The flyers and flipbooks facilitated the women’s confidence in managing her recovery at home and were positively reviewed by clinicians.

mHealth-CHW project featured in Science Magazine

The Rwanda-based homebased postoperative monitoring project was featured in Science, including quotes from team members Laban Bikorimana, Vincent Cubaka, Rich Fletcher, and Bethany Hedt-Gauthier.

Virtual satellite session explores universities’ roles in global health

An April 2023 Satellite session explore how universities can adapt to improve collaborative equity in global health research. More details of the event can be found here, and the full event recording is now available.

Team wins American Statistical Association Prize

The COVID-19 multicountry research group (CovMRG) won the 2022 Statistical Partnerships Among Academe, Industry, and Government (SPAIG) Award from the American Statistical Association. More details on the team and award can be found here.

Data as a commodity

In September 2022, Dr. Hedt-Gauthier presented at Duke Global Health Institute’s Think Global Series on “Extractive Global Health: Data As A Commodity”. The full presentation can be viewed here, along with a follow-up commentary written by Lindsay Key.

mHealth team wins NIH prize

Dr. Hedt-Gauthier’s collaborative team won a $500,000 first prize for a competition recognizing advancements in maternal health diagnostics. Read more about the team and the submission here.

Team Photo January 2021.jpg

Online data analysis training

The second week of our Operational Research Training, focused on data analysis, was scheduled for April 2020 in Rwanda. After several delays, we decided to move fully online. Learn more about the training here.